/ When software developers get involved in sports

When software developers get involved in sports

…it is usually in the form of an app or website at Fabrik19. We have been dedicating our expertise to the sports clubs in and around Giessen for several years. In the current 22/23 season, we are again collaborating with the JobStairs GIESSEN 46ers, the EC Bad Nauheim and the RSV Lahn-Dill and function as their technology partner using our low-code app-framework Mobility Suite mos. It is becoming increasingly important for sports clubs to offer their fans digital communication channels that can be used intuitively. And because these should then also be tailored to the needs of the fans as best as possible, we present the top functions of our sports apps and websites in this article.  

1. The game plan

Always staying on top of upcoming game dates is essential for sports fans. This is why a game plan is a crucial function in any sports club application. Home games and away matches are clearly noted in a calendar or list. The display can be adapted to the corporate design of the club – which of course applies to the entire app and is not limited to the schedule. Past games, including their scores, can also be found either directly in the calendar or in a game archive.  

2. News Slider

Fans can find the latest news and game reports in the news slider of our sports club apps. This can be implemented either as a list to scroll through or as a stylish full-screen view. It enables sport clubs to inform their supporters about everything that is important and thus always keep them up to date. The great advantage of an app as a fast communication channel to the fans becomes particularly evident in the case of time-sensitive information such as the cancellation of a game, for instance.  

3. Live ticker and player of the day

The live ticker informs fans about the course of a game on match days, and it does so in real time. App users that cannot attend the game can use this function to check goals, penalties and much more. In addition, fans can find additional information about the respective team members here. In the newest version of the EC Bad Nauheim app, users will now find a new dropdown display containing the player names of an ongoing match. From these, they can then choose one player who has the opportunity to become player of the day. The person with the most votes wins, and the results are displayed directly in the app at the end of the game. This way, even fans who cannot take part in the game on site can root for their favorite sports team and player.  

4. The squad

In this area, the sports club apps present the entire team of a club. App users can find further information on each player here. These include, for instance, nationality, greatest successes, previous clubs or the player’s position on the field. A classification of the players according to their playing position simplifies this overview. Even members of the team who are not found directly on the field can be included here. These include the coaches and the management of a club.  

5. Layout & content changes in the app on match days 

A particularly user-oriented feature was recently added to the EC Bad Nauheim app. The layout and content of the app change on match days of the Red Devils. This was done to provide fans with even better information about the ongoing game and an even more engaging app experience. A live ticker is placed on the start page, which provides real-time information about the score and the game in total. On match days, app users can switch between the news slider, a home area and the live ticker for the best possible personal adjustment of the application. All other functions of the app are of course available as usual. When there is no game, the live ticker disappears from the main screen of the app.  

6. Fan magazines 

A sports club’s own fan magazines can also be integrated into the application. Giessen 46ers fans can read the ‘Gametime’ directly in the native app at any time and thus get even more information about the individual games and the team itself. The RSV Lahn-Dill offers its ‘Defense’ magazine in their app as well. In this case, readers are redirected to a website containing the current magazine. There are multiple implementation options for this function that can be quickly and easily tailored to the respective needs of the sports club.  

Websites and apps do not exclude each other 

An application is usually not the first medium that a sports club makes available to ist fans. This is due to the fact that websites are one of the most used and, above all, almost always the first contact point for fans who are looking for more information about their favorite club. Here, sports clubs can present themselves professionally and provide their fans with interesting content. However, this does not mean that a website and a sports club app are mutually exclusive – on the contrary!

The native app, in a sense, extends the site with more features and fan experiences. A lot of the things that cannot be implemented into a website can become part of an app. Through this, the fan experience is made even more personal via individual push messages and many other functions. In addition to the app, a club’s own website is and will remain the first point of contact for most (new) fans and those looking for information about the club and its matches. Therefore, both have a clear right to exist and bring advantages for the sports club. And it is also the reason why we were allowed to create both the app and the website for the RSV Lahn-Dill and the Giessen 46ers. All in all, the website and mobile application offer rounds off the professional and equally likeable appearance of a sports club.  

Your sports club is still missing an app or website? We have the necessary technical expertise and passion for good sport to create the best possible sporting experience for your fans. Contact us

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